Very interesting. It’s been popular lately to attribute the real stupidity of the 2010s to the smartphone and therefore mark 2012 as the year the decade truly begin, but some of these 2011 incidents prove this not very the case. It would interesting to see a timeline like this going from 2007 (the mass adoption of Facebook) to 2010.

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Looking forward to reading more 21st century history. The Kramer n-word incident, for example [2006?].

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I may try to do a timeline of events that led up to the period I am covering, but I am not as familiar with that period.

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Great to create these catalogs of online cultural events as they're easy to forget but leave larger subconscious imprints.

The "Great Awokening" felt in full force in run up to 2012 election on college campuses. It was getting very hostile by that point. It was still mostly among the do-gooder/striver left-liberals on campuses (not necessarily the dominant campus ethos), but there was already a lack of pushback dynamic that let it keep marching forward. Even as early as 2010, I would get admonished SJW-style for promulgating normie liberal talking pointing in casual settings or the school paper.

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Never seen a lefty talk about the appalling influence of porn on language culture dating. Honestly never. Please show me if I missed it.

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I'll always remember some crucial background for these, the 2000s Bush wars for Gen Xers and the 2009-11 crisis for millenials, and the subsequent hipster culture of one upmanship that made a lot of contrarians (Left wing metaphysics is "anti natural", etc.).

Also there was this striving culture post crisis to be an entrepeneur and science would help achieve "excellence", that was the corporate talk of the time, you even saw in movies of the 2010s this excitement, the 2014 Interstellar, then the progressively dissapointed "i cant/couldnt get into science" with the Lost in Mars diversity entryism and the Bullock space fail. So there was a transition from failed entrepeneurship reset after the crisis for many, who then turned into this politics as entertainment/team cultism.

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